Qmarkets V6.3 – Core System Update

Qmarkets core update

A Major Update

We are excited to release Qmarkets V6.3, a major upgrade to our core system which includes a sleek overhaul of our visual design, an upgraded idea interface, and updated campaign management functionality.

One of the biggest challenges for our design team, is ensuring that our system is inviting and user friendly, without compromising on features or functionality. With our latest update we feel we have achieved a great balance between these two pillars of design, and we can’t wait to see what you think.

Transform Ideas into Results.

This update has seen several improvements to the way that we present ideas within our system. Starting with the homepage, but focusing especially on the idea pages which show one idea at a time. These pages have been completely refurbished and now boast a much cleaner overall structure, which makes both the information and the operations related to the ideas much more accessible.

We’ve made the whole experience more visual and user friendly in a number of ways.  This included incorporating numerous widgets which provide visual insights into the process, such as a tool which displays the status of the idea within the workflow. We have also made the idea page more interactive by including the ability to view details about the submitter, or to join the team of contributors in collaboration or even co-authorship.

In addition to the above, we have even increased our famous configurable flexibility.  There are dozens of new ways of constructing this page, including widgets, rich media, buttons, themes, graphics, and more. To make this process even simpler, we are able to configure the layout of this page using a seamless drag and drop admin interface, helping us to fulfil the specific requirements of each and every customer.


While the majority of this update focuses on the capabilities of the idea page and home page, it does not stop there. The visual upgrades have been comprehensive, and can be noticed on almost every page of the system. And alongside these cosmetic improvements, we have made countless technical refinements in order to make our product more efficient, intuitive, and reliable.

While a vast amount of progress has been made, there is still much work to be done, and we will be performing a number of additional updates over the coming nine months in order to make our solution as effective as it possibly can be.

Your Platform. Your Rules.

Of course, it is important to remember that this system is only the foundation. As a customer of Qmarkets you have absolute control of this platform and we can configure it to your exact requirements in both appearance and functionality.

Speak to a member of our team today to find out how this software could benefit you, or if you would like to upgrade your existing system.


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